Plain and simple

Just plain and simple; these police shootings wouldn't happen if the ones that are getting pulled over would just cooperate. Let the police officer do his job! He or she has a family, and just are doing their job, so why give them problems when you're clearly in the wrong? But yet in your mind you're taking it as though your being picked on? Listen to the officer, and I'm 100% sure that there will be different results. 

Many of these people that are victims are the ones at fault, because from what I've seen in most of the video's; these people are being rebels, and trying to go against the law. Anyone would react the same way; it's not a black or white thing. If I were a cop, and dealt with madness like that I'd fear for my life, and would probably act in the same way. Mouthing off to an officer; resisting arrest, and then playing the victim, once an officer puts you on your face is not cool! We need to get smart here people; it's common sense! Own up to your actions, if you're doing wrong, and our world would be a better place. That same officer that pulled you over may let you off the hook, if you own up to your actions. It's alright to make mistakes; we are all human.


I ran this run in 2015, and will be running it again in 2016. It's a competitive, and huge race; along with a dream come true for any Big Ten sports fan. As long as I'm living in Chicago I plan on running this every year, because I love the environment. This race combines my first love (running), with the Big Ten. It's a great feeling representing your favorite sports team in the Big Ten; wearing their colors and competing against other Big Ten fans. Many post race activities with the mascots on stage, games, and plenty of opportunities to take a picture with your favorite Big Ten mascot or cheerleaders.

This race is crowded, so if you're a competitor you might want to get there early to reserve a spot near the front. The course is out-and-back, and gets crowded near the finish line due to there being two races on course; the 5k and 10k.

Remaining calm

Remaining calm in adversity is a sign of great spiritual strength. No matter what's going on in your life right now, "Hold your peace!"