
One of my favorite weekend getaway spots

My favorite weekend getaway spot, while living in Hawaii. Great place to meditate. I couldn't visit Hilo side of the Big Island, and not visit Coconut Island. This is a great spot to relax, barbecue, walk, yoga, or release your inner child by diving off one of the platforms into the water.

Another thing i loved about Hilo side are the sound of Coqui frogs, which I miss a lot! The sound of the Coqui frog gives me peace, and that overall feeling of being in Hilo, Hawaii.

I have had the pleasure of visiting Coconut Island during Hilo To Volcano Ultra Marathon, Hilo Marathon, and a birthday weekend getaway from Oahu. This small island is what it is, and if you enjoy peace, it is actually that with Queen Liliuokalani Gardens, and park outside to give you extra things to catch your eye outside of Coconut Island.