[Evil people] will collapse and fall. But we will rise and stand upright - Psalm 20:8
Murder rates in Chicago
Life in Chicago
Fry Scholarship
Illinois Veterans' Grant (IVG) Program
The Illinois Veterans' Grant (IVG) Program pays tuition and certain fees at all Illinois state-supported colleges, universities and community colleges for eligible Illinois veterans. An individual must:
.Be an honorably discharged veteran; and
.Reside in Illinois six months before entering the service; and
.Have at least one full year of active duty in the U.S. Armed
Forces. This includes veterans who were assigned to
active duty in a foreign country in a time of hostilities in that country,
regardless of length of service; and
.Return to Illinois within six months of discharge from the service; and
Applications and additional information are available from the VSO Offices of the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs, college financial aid offices or the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), 1755 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield, 60015, telephone 847-948-8550 or 800-899-ISAC, www.collegezone.com.