
"If love is............" by Thomas Gouard

If love is giving someone the opportunity to say nasty things to you, and break you down mentally then I don't want it. I don't want to be involved with anyone, and definitely don't want to be married, because that is not love.

To me love is supporting your partner, NOT breaking them down because you're on a emotional roller coaster, or had a bad day. If you had a bad day, then go do what you love to do. If you have any hobbies go enjoy them. Don't make your partner miserable, because in the end they will get fed up and leave you. We all have our limits, and dealing with the same nasty mood gets old.

Holding grudges, just because things didn't go your way, is not the route to go. In the end you will be alone, because nobody wants to constantly be reminded of what ticked you off emotionally. God has put us all on paths, and if it is meant to be, then its meant to be. Relationships sometimes don't last, but don't hold a grudge, because it didn't go your way.  

If it doesn't work out, then that just means that god has better plans for you. A tarnished relationship will only make you bitter, and leave you dwelling on what went wrong in your next relationship.

Marriages don't last nowadays because couples DO NOT listen to each other. Limits should be understood. If your partner doesn't like you to say certain things, because it sets them off, then don't say things that will set your partner off.

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